2024-05-30 - 06-01  SELECAO 05/2024 - MISTO

Match results  PBN  CSV file  Cumulative Butler  ... in team order  1:1  2:1  3:1  4:1  5:1  6:1  More information

3 teams. Number of rounds: 6.

Rank  Team  Score  Name          Roster                                                                                                                              

   1     2  71,08  HENRIQUE      Heloisa Maria de Siqueira Nogueira - Fabio Sampaio - Henrique Barbosa Salomao - Ana Carolina  Vidigal - Maria Lucia da Silva Menezes
   2     1  65,72  SIMBA FELIS   Federico Alfredo Kladt Kladt - Lis Ferreira - Simone Tanaka - Bruno Furlan                                                          
   3     3  55,20  MISTO QUENTE  Pablo Larrieux - Laura Marchioni - Jaqueline Moreira Meireles Nunes - Paula Inague - Leao M. de Carvalho                            


Round:  1                                                  
Tbl  Team                               IMP        Score   
 1   3  MISTO QUENTE  2  HENRIQUE      26-32     8,24 11,76
 2   1  SIMBA FELIS   -- --                     12,00


Round:  2                                                  
Tbl  Team                               IMP        Score   
 1   1  SIMBA FELIS   3  MISTO QUENTE  28-31     9,09 10,91
 2   2  HENRIQUE      -- --                     12,00


Round:  3                                                  
Tbl  Team                               IMP        Score   
 1   1  SIMBA FELIS   2  HENRIQUE      36-48     6,72 13,28
 2   -- --            3  MISTO QUENTE                 12,00


Round:  4                                                  
Tbl  Team                               IMP        Score   
 1   2  HENRIQUE      3  MISTO QUENTE  47-52     8,52 11,48
 2   -- --            1  SIMBA FELIS                  12,00


Round:  5                                                  
Tbl  Team                               IMP        Score   
 1   3  MISTO QUENTE  1  SIMBA FELIS    9-62     0,57 19,43
 2   -- --            2  HENRIQUE                     12,00


Round:  6                                                  
Tbl  Team                               IMP        Score   
 1   2  HENRIQUE      1  SIMBA FELIS   34-21    13,52  6,48
 2   3  MISTO QUENTE  -- --                     12,00


Match results  PBN  CSV file  Cumulative Butler  ... in team order  1:1  2:1  3:1  4:1  5:1  6:1  More information

PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) is a universal notation to represent bridge games. It can be used in every bridge program for dealing, bidding, playing, and/or teaching. The notation is suitable for all computer platforms. This file contains the final result and all score tables and deals. Magic Contest can import PBN hand records. There is a PBN home page where you can read more.